Composition: Each soft gelatin capsule contains: Pyridoxine Hydrochloride IP 1.5 mg, Niacinamide IP 15 mg, Cyanocobalamine IP 0.5 mcg, Folic Acid IP 300 mcg, Biotin USP 30 mcg, Beta Carotene (30 % dispersion) 5 mg, Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate USP 7.5 mg eq. to Elemental Zinc, Sodium Selenate Eq. to Elemental Selenium 30 mcg, Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate B.P Eq. to elemental Copper 2.5 mg, Chromium Chloride USP Eq. to Elemental Chromium 65 mcg, Manganese Chloride USP Eq. to Elemental Manganese 1.4 mg, Choline Bitartrate USP 10 mg Sodium, Molybdate B.P Eq. to Elemental Molybdenum 25 mcg, Sodium Vanadate Eq. to Elemental Vanadium 10 mcg, Benfothiamine 2 mg Sodium Borate B.P Eq. to Elemental Boron 150 mcg, Nickel Sulphate Eq. to Elemental Nickel 5 mcg, Dibasic Calcium Phosphate I.P Eq. to Elemenatl Phosphorus 125 mg.
Indications: As antioxidant, As a nutritional supplement in Aging, Cardiovascular diseases, Prevention of lipid per oxidation and atherosclerosis, cancer, burns, diabetes, for enhancement of immunity.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the preparation.
Adverse events: Under normal dosing, no known adverse events are reported.
Precautions: Excessive use of any vitamin or minerals to be avoided since they can produce signs of overdosing.
Dosage: One capsule once daily orally. (For detailed information please write to WINKEM HEALTHCARE PVT LTD ,F – 206, RAJ NAGAR – II ,PALAM COLONY, NEW DELHI – 110077. E-mail : winkemhealthcare@gmail.com.
Each 5ml contains :Cholecalciferol I.P.(as Stabilized) 200 I.U., Pyridoxine Hydrochloride I.P. 1mg , Niacinamide I.P. 15mg, Cyanocobalamin I.P. 1mcg,Zinc (as Zinc Gluconate U.S.P.) 3 mg , B – Carotene dispersion 2.5 % 38 mg, Manganese 0.8 mg , (as manganese Chloride Tetrahydrate USP), Molybdenum 8 mcg (as sodium molybdrate BP) Selenium (as sodium selenate) 10 mcg ,Lysine Hydrochloride BP 30 mg ,Iodine (as Potassium iodide I P) 50 mcg , Biotin USP 10 mcg, Chromium 10 mcg (AS chromium chloride hexahydrate USP) Inositol 10 mg, in a flavoured syrup base q.s. Colour: Quinoline Yellow FCF , Appropriate overages of Vitamins added.